What is the formula of sulfur hexafluoride?



A principal command in chemic experiments is knowing the identity of the initial substances.  This knowledge can exist communicated past the name of the substances and labels on reagent containers.  The post-obit sections draw systematic names for simple inorganic compounds. These systematic names can exist assigned from the chemic formula, and then the name communicates the chemic formula.

Binary Covalent Compounds

Covalent compounds tin be operationally defined as compounds that do not conduct electricity when pure and in the liquid state.  These compounds, with few exceptions, are composed of nonmetal elements just.  Binary covalent compounds are composed of two nonmetal elements, and the name for the compound is constructed from the chemic formula in the following way:

Prefix + name of 1st chemical element     Prefix + stalk of 2nd element + ide

The stem of an element is formed past dropping the last syllable of the element's name. Prefixes are assigned by the number of atoms of each element in the formula, and the prefix corresponding to a given number of atoms can be institute Tabular array one.  The prefix "mon" is dropped with the exception of carbon monoxide, and the suffix "ide" is used with all two chemical element compounds.  Carbon dioxide is a familiar example of a systematic name.  The proper noun tells united states what elements compose carbon dioxide, the number of atoms of each element, and hence the chemical formula of carbon dioxide.  Note, a compound that appeared on the Net was dihydrogen oxide, what is the formula of this chemical compound?  The following examples may help you respond this question.

Example 1–What is the formula of sulfur hexafluoride?

The elements composing the compound are S and F.  Also the prefix hex says at that place are 6  F atoms and so the formula is SF6.

Example 2–Please proper name the chemical compound N2O4?

The name is dinitrogen tetroxide.

Tabular array ane–Prefixes for number of atoms

Number of atoms Prefix
1 mon
2 di
3 tri
4 tetra or tetr*
5 penta or pent*
six hexa or hex*

*The first spelling is used if the stalk of the chemical element begins with a consonant and the second spelling if the stalk of the element begins with a vowel.

Binary Ionic Compounds

Ionic compounds are operationally defined as compounds that conduct electricity when pure and in the liquid state.  All ionic compounds are solids at room temperature and with a few exceptions composed of a metal and nonmetal elements.  When the metal is a group IA chemical element, grouping Ii A element, or aluminum, the name is assigned using the form:

metallic    stem of nonmetal element + ide

This system does not utilize prefixes and assumes a knowledge of the law of electrical neutrality, the octet rule, and ionic theory.  Ionic theory states that ionic compounds are composed of positive and negative ions formed by the transfer of valence electrons between atoms or molecules.  The attraction betwixt the oppositely charged ions bonds the ions together in the solid state.  In the liquid state the electrical attraction is much weaker, and the ions are mobile.  This explains why ionic compounds conduct electricity simply in the liquid state.  Electrical neutrality requires the total positive and negative charge on the ions be equal and that no valence electrons are lost or gained by the transfer of electrons between atoms and molecules.  The octet rule is used to assign changes on the ions composing a compound, and states that group IA and IIA elements and aluminum loose their valence electron while nonmetals proceeds electrons until the total number of valence electron is eight.  The following examples illustrate the naming system and the chemic principles.

Example ane- The mineral fluorite has the chemical formula CaFtwo .  What is fluorite'due south systematic name?

The names of the elements composing fluorite are

calcium and fluorine.

The last syllable of fluorine is inverse to ide and the proper name is calcium fluoride.

Case 2-  What is the chemic formula of cesium sulfide?

The compound is composed of cesium and sulfur. From the Periodic Tabular array and the Octet Rule, we have

Cs has 1 valence e loses 1 e

Southward has 6 valence e gains 2 e.

To brand electrons lost equal electrons gained, two cesium atoms lose electrons then we have

two Cs have 2 valance e loose 2 e

Due south has 6 valance e gains two e

and the formula of cesium sulfide is Cs2S.  Notation the ions composing cesium sulfide are Cs+ and Southward2–.

There are many other examples of metal elements, and these metals are chosen  transition metals (elements in columns headed with a B), inner transition metals (metals in block separated from Periodic Table), or mail-transition metals (all Group IIIA–VIA metals except aluminum).  A property mutual to all of these metals is the germination of stable ions with unlike charges depending on the conditions under which the ion is formed.  For  ionic compounds with these metals, the systematic proper name is:

metallic(Roman numeral)  stem of nonmetal + ide.

The Roman numeral equals the accuse on the metallic ion.  The following examples show how the names in these compounds are assigned and used to make up one's mind the chemical formula from the proper name.

Example 1–The color of ruby and sapphire is due to a modest quantity of Cr2Othree in these gem stones.  What is the systematic name of  Cr2O3?

The charge on the "B" metal is determined from the nonmetal.  From the periodic table and the octet rule

O has 6 valence e gains 2

and for the chemical compound

iii O have 18 valence e and gained 6.

Since electrons lost equals electrons gained, the chemical formula says

2 Cr have lost half-dozen e

and and so

Cr has lost 3 eastward.

The name of the compound is Chromium(III) oxide.

Case two–The compound Lead(IV) oxide is used in machine batteries.  What is the chemical formula of Lead(Four) oxide?

Pb has lost four eastward (from Lead(IV))

O has 6 valence e gains 2 due east (from Periodic Tale and Octet dominion)

To make electrons lost equal electrons gained, multiply O by 2

Pb has lost 4 eastward

2 O have 12 valence due east proceeds 4 e.

The chemical formula is PbOii.

Ionic compounds with Polyatomic or Complex ions

Polyatomic or Complex ions are examples of molecules that accept lost or gained valence electrons.  The names of ionic compounds with negative complex ions end in "ite" or "ate" with a few exceptions.  The well-nigh mutual exceptions are compounds which contain the post-obit complex ions:

OH                 hydroxide ion

CN                 cyanide ion

O2 ii–                 peroxide ion.

The names of compounds with these ions consist of the metal and the anion.  For example, the poison NaCN has the name sodium cyanide.

Many complex ions take the general formula NMOthou n–, and the names of ionic compounds containing these ions are constructed in the mode:

metallic    stem of nonmetal + ate or ite.

The "ate" ion always has one more O atom than the "ite" ion.  For case SOfour 2– is sulfate ion and And then3 2– is sulfite ion.  For a specific nonmetal, knowing the accuse and number of oxygen atoms in the "ate" ion is sufficient to remember the formula and charge in the "ite" ion.  Table 2 lists six "ate" ions and these are best memorized.  The formulas of other ions can exist derived from these ions and periodic law.  In writing formulas with complex ions, multiple complex ions are enclosed in parenthesis only single complex ions are not enclosed in parenthesis.  Some examples illustrating the names of compounds with complex ions follow.

Example 1–Phosphate rock has the chemical formula Ca3(PO4)2.  What is the systematic name of phosphate rock?

The names of the component elements excluding oxygen are

calcium phosphorous

and since PO4 is the formula of phosphate ion the name is calcium phosphate.

Example 2–A preservative has the name sodium nitrite.  What is the chemical formula of the preservative?

Nitrite ion refers to the ion NO2    which has gained i eastward

Na has one valence east  loses 1 eastward.

Since electrons lost equals electrons gained, the chemical formula is NaNOtwo.

Example 3–What is the charge on the complex ion in the compound NaiiCiiO4?

The accuse is determined from the "A" metallic

Na has 1 valence due east loses ane east

and since the formula has ii Na ions, the number of electrons lost is

2 Na have 2 valence e lose 2 east.

and electrical neutrality requires that

CiiO4 n– gains 2 e.

The charge is –2 (C2Ofour two–).

Table ii–Names and formulas of common oxyanions

Ion Name
CO3 2– carbonate ion
NO3 nitrate ion
SiOfour 4– silicate ion
PO4 iii– phosphate ion
Soiv 2– sulfate ion
ClO3 chlorate ion


Acids are operationally defined equally compounds that form sour tasting solutions, turn blue litmus paper pinkish, have a pH less than 7, and chemically react with bases to neutralize acid and base properties.  Theoretically acids donate hydrogen ions (H+) and produce hydronium ion (H3O+) in water.  The formulas of these compounds are written with acid hydrogen outset.  For case, H2And sofour is the chemical formula of sulfuric acid and indicates ii acidic H.  The systematic proper noun of a binary acid, Hn10 where 10 is a nonmetal element, is assigned using the format

Hydro + stem of nonmetal element + ic acrid.

The chemical formula of a binary acid tin can be adamant from the name past determining the accuse predicted by the octet rule for the nonmetal chemical element and so balancing this charge with the appropriate number of hydrogen ions.  Examples ane and 2 below illustrate the awarding of these rules.

Oxyacids are some other mutual grouping of acids, and the chemical formulas for these compounds have the form HnNMOm.  The name of an oxyacid has the form

stalk of nonmetal + ous or ic acrid.

For a specific nonmetal, the ous acid always has i less oxygen than the ic acid.  The correct catastrophe can be selected by treating the acrid every bit an ionic compound composed of hydrogen ions (H+) and a complex ion, applying electrical neutrality to assign the charge on the circuitous ion, naming the complex ion, and so changing the ite catastrophe to ous acid or the ate ending to ic acid.  The procedure is reversed to determine the chemical formula from the systematic proper noun.  Also, the system can exist extended to less or more oxygens by adding the prefix hypo to the ous acid for 1 less oxygen and the prefix hyper to the ic acrid for i more oxygen.  Examples 3 and 4 illustrate the systematic naming of oxyacids.

Example i–H2Southward is a foul smelling gas that forms an acidic solution when dissolved in h2o.  What is the acrid proper noun of H2S?

The compound is a binary acid and the name is

hydrosulfuric acid.

Case two–Hydrofluoric acrid is used to etch glass.  What is the chemic formula of  hydrofluoric acid?

The nonmetal is fluorine and the the octet rule predicts

F has 7 valence e– gains i e; F

H has lost 1 e-; H+

The chemical formula is HF.

Example iii–One of the acids found in acrid rain has the chemical formula H2And then3.  What is the name of  this acrid?

The acid has ii acidic H hence

two H have lost 2 e; 2 H+

And so3 has gained 2 e; Then3 ii .

The name of the complex ion is sulfite ion, and the name of the acid is sulfurous acid.

Example 4–Carbonic acid is present in all carbonated beverages.  What is the chemic formula of carbonic acid?

The ic ending says the acid may be treated equally composed of carbonate ion and hydrogen ion. The respective chemical formulas are

CO3 2– has gained 2 east

H+ has lost 1 e,

and electrical neutrality says

CO3 two– has gained 2 east

2 H+ have lost 2 e.

The chemical formula of carbonic acid is H2CO3.

Chemistry 1000 exercise on Inorganic Nomeclature

  1. The correct scientific proper noun for the mineral hematite, Fe2O3, is

a)iron oxide

b)iron(III) oxide

c)diiron trioxide

  1. Please proper name the following






3.Please write the formula for

a)Manganese(III) phosphite

b)Strontium fluoride

c)Sodium nitrate

d)Dinitrogen pentoxide

e)Potassium carbonate

4.Please write the chemical formula and charge for

  1. a) sulfide ion
  1. b) sulfate ion

Institutional affiliation

Student name

Course module

Due date


  1. The right scientific name xxxxxx xxxxxx mineral hematite, Fe2O3, is

iron(III) oxide

  1. Delight name xxxxxx following


arsenic fluoride


aluminium sulfide


titunium (IV) oxide


Cobalt(2) chloride


Chromium hydroxide

  1. Please write xxxxxx xxxxxxmula xxxxxx

a)Manganese(Three) phosphite


b)Strontium fluoride


c)Sodium nitxxxxxx

